Atlanta's #1 Neck Lift Team
Artistic And Dramatic Results
The Dr. Sinha Difference
A Reputation For Beautiful And Balanced Neck Surgery.
Necklift Before And After Photos

What is a Neck Lift?
Q What is a Neck Lift?
A neck lift is a rejuvenating surgery that improves signs of aging in the jawline and neck, including:
Excess fat and skin relaxation in the lower face that creates jowls
The appearance of a double chin
Loose or overly wrinkled neck skin, resulting in a "turkey neck"
Muscle banding in the neck, which leads to abnormal contours
What results can I expect after neck lift surgery?
Q What results can I expect after neck lift surgery?
In the initial stages of your neck lift recovery, swelling and bruising may partially obscure your neck lift results, and your incision lines can appear more prominent. Be patient, continue to follow all your post-surgical directions and commit to the healing process. Do not submit your incision sites to excessive stress or abrasion, and avoid wearing clothes that you have to pull on over your head.
As you heal and your scars begin to mature and fade, you will begin to enjoy your more youthful, vibrant appearance, and your self-confidence and quality of life will likely improve, as well.
What is the Recovery from a Neck Lift Like?
Q What is the Recovery from a Neck Lift Like?
You will need to arrange for a trusted relative or friend to drive you home after you get your neck lift, and to stay with you for the rest of the day. We will send you home with detailed instructions that include how to care for your incisions and when to return for follow-up appointments.
It may take several weeks or months for swelling and bruising to subside completely, after which you will be able to enjoy the visible improvements of your neck lift surgery. You can maintain these youthful-looking results by taking good care of your skin, wearing sunscreen and following a healthy diet and exercise plan.
Getting Started With Dr. Sinha For Necklift Surgery In Atlanta
In his three-decade career as a provider of face and neck surgery,
Dr. Sinha has completed more than 10,000 procedures. He enjoys helping
women and men alike look younger, healthier and more vital, and his role
as a cosmetic surgeon includes giving his patients excellent advice, so
they have realistic expectations going into the surgery and can
ultimately be more satisfied with their surgical outcomes.
When you choose Dr. Sinha to perform your neck lift procedure, you
can rest assured that he will not alter your appearance in a way that
makes you look like a different person. Instead, you'll look like the
best possible version of you.
If your jawline and neck area have aged more rapidly than your face, a neck lift may be the solution you've been looking for. To get long-lasting results you'll love, rely on Dr. Sinha's decades of knowledge and experience. Contact us today to set an appointment for a no-obligation consultation.